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InHealth Blog

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The Path to Becoming a Lifestyle Coach: Empowering Others Towards Wellness

Are you passionate about helping others live healthier, happier lives? Do you believe in the power of holistic approaches to wellness? If so, you might be considering a career in lifestyle coaching. This rewarding profession

Why Coaching in Obesity Medicine is Important for Healthcare Providers

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.

An Effective, Yet Affordable Solution for Health Systems, Health Plans, Providers AND Patients

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.

Shifting the Disease Conversation from Chronic to Lifestyle

Chronic illness rates areat an all-time high. Sixty percent of US adults have at least one chronic disease, which translates to around 200 million Americanswith chronic illness. These conditions are considered chronic because they are long-lastingandrequire ongoing medical attention.However, th

PRESS RELEASE: inHealth Launches Lifestyle Therapeutics™ Coaching Academy to Develop Clinical Health Coaches and Raise Standard of Health Coaching

Academy now training a new breed of clinicians – clinical health coaches – to become board-certified by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches Enrollment now open through March 26 for the Spring 2021 program

Clinical Health Coach Spotlight: Faith Shevlin

Our clinical health coaches at inHealthLifestyle Therapeutics get to know so much about their patients, but the patients don’t always get to know much about their coaches. This blog series provides a chance to get to know our clinical health coaching team who are caring for you.

The Rise of Health Coaching: Turning Lifestyle into Medicine

75 percent of all deaths worldwide. This is the percentage of people projected to die from chronic illness by the end of 2020 (Source: WHO). This global health crisis affects the entire healthcare system, from individuals and their families to large health systems and health plans.Chronic diseases

Fighting Fire with Medicine

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.

Board-Certified Health Coaching: What physicians should know about a new standard of care

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn.